Sunday, January 31, 2010
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2 Days Orientation.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
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so far, 2days of orientation was alright.. at least not as bad as i thought it would be(;

Day1: talks were boring to the max. However, my two new crazy friends made first day so fun!!! gossips on 'cute' and 'shuai' guys, insulting people...etc. Didn't expect all this could happen on the first day! hahhhaz!

Day2: orientation was held in sentosa. Felt so tired even before i reached school?!!? Anyway, played games.. walked.. played games.. walked. the weather was freaking hot, luckily dint get sunburn. okkaaayy.. im already burned long ago?! LoLz!

Emma, PeiPei and Carresa !!!!

something is wrong with my Samsung phone. i hate it!!!! the alarm doesn't ring, don't know why lappy suddenly can't read my microSD card.. freak, going to change phone soon(; i want Sony Ericsson Satio Phone.. i want Samsung Corby.. i want Sony Ericsson W995 PINK phone! i want all, but doubt mum will buy for me);

i miss my hairRRRR!! esp. the fringe);

PeiPei, ZiYu, JingWen, Isabel
i love them!!! (26Jan10)

today is the happiest day after 23April09(;
thanks for replying my SMS..
i wont ask for more already.
Jus stay happy and dont fall sick.
Happy Birthday B.Tiger♥

Friday, January 29, 2010
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will post tmr...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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had clique gathering yesterday(26Jan10)!
summaries version (for full version, wait for WC to post!) :
-met ZiYu, Isabel, (C)JingWen and WeiChuan at BRD bustop
[the rest were late]
-went into BRD to walk walk.. *the security guards sucks!*
-around 11 plus, went to (K)leisure first without LiHao, WeiChuan and Beverly
-bought tickets->archade->lunch->gossips
-arrival of Valerie and Alvin, we pangseh them to shop around.. LOLz!
-1.15PM, watch 'Tooth Fairy'.
saw Christopher and JiaYi♥
-3.15PM, decided to go Parkway, but something cropped up..
-4.00PM.. leave for Choir.
it's the last clique gathering before school reopen);
but we'll meet up on special occasions, K!!
no pictures for now because ZiYu have not upload on FaceBk.
JAE results this morning..
many did not made it into their first choice JCs/Poly..
but I'm sure all of u will do well in ur new school(;
so, all the best people♥
school reopening tmr..
it made me feel so..?!
i have a sudden urge of going SRJC, because most of my friends are there?!
haixZ! so gona miss:
'TseFang, Chermaine, WeiChuan, Valerie, LiHao, Calvin, Ziyu, Isabel, Jingwen, Yehteng Da Ge, XinYuan, JiaYi, Wilson... 4A5.. Mr.Lau.. Mr.Nizam.. Broadrick!'
*names not included and are my friends.. i will miss you too!*
shall stop crapping.. time to go Choir now.
today choir from 3.30Pm to 7.30Pm.. can die);
alvin's CO from 3Pm to 8Pm.. worst )X
*idk why there's no paragraphing! bear with it peeps.. will edit it when i come home from Choir(;*

Monday, January 25, 2010
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FT-ISLAND at Seoul'd out(12.12.09-s'pore)!!!!


Super Close-Up of Hongki!! (Song: I Hope)

All Five Treasure IsLands:

(Song: I hope)

(Song: Bing Bing Bing)

(Song: Love Sick)



FT-ISLAND are coming next friday.

It's some kind of fan-meeting..

OMG!! I WANT TO GOOOO~~~~~~~!!!

but need to pay $50bucks);

ahhr!! cannot~ must save money for Czech Republic trip!

*anyone wants to sponsor me!??!!?* LOLz!

a fruitful day(;
Saturday, January 23, 2010
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summaries version:
-went out with Jie at around 10.30AM
-ate lunch at IKEA
-met Jie BF(piggyhead) at Queensway
-bought a pair of sports shoe
-walked around, helping piggyhead to find his clothes
-head to Far East at around 3plus
-hunt for my RED CNY top
-went Kallang Airport hawker to buy dinner
dint buy a RED top for CNY.
Instead, bought a white dress with tiny red flower prints on it(;
This year CNY will be wearing DRESSES!!!
2nd day will be wearing a blue dress that was bought LONG ago with TF and YehTeng!
it's new though... nv even wear once!
or should i wear the grey top?!?!??!
school reopening in a few days time.

Friday, January 22, 2010
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Today, after choir.. did not meet weichuan.
he is still sleeping like a pig ard 2plus?
called him so many times until pekchek then gave up )'X
nvm, meeting him on Tues(X

Yehteng da ge said he want to go NYJC to accompany me after his lessons.. so nice of him rite^^
but i thought Choir will drag till damn long.. so asked him not to go. [REGRET]

anyway, bought 'TEENAGE' magazine cause cannot wait any longer for my FT-ISLAND poster(; hahha!! But weichuan still need to give me LUO ZHI XIANG's one!! hahhhasS!

tomorrow outing with jie and BF to:
queensway-> lunch-> shopping-> prawning/more shopping?!

must buy clothes for CNY. mum said all the clothes i bought, cannot wear on CNY.. because all of them are dark colours-.- she want me to buy a RED top. OMG, I'm going to look like an ang bao on CNY);

should i go ... or not?

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Did a quiz : What makes you happy?
RESULT: The thing that makes you happy,even though you might not realise it is love and caring. You like to spend quiet time at home with your family or hang with your friends. As fun-loving as you are, you're also a very emotional person and would have a hard time dealing with life without the love ingredient. The ability to make people laugh is always on your side. Don't lose it. Careful though. Being so nice can go a long way. And having so many friends, some of which in constant need of attention, can be very stressful at times. Don't overdo it. After all, being so open and friendly for no apparent reason also brings in the threat of becoming vulnerable to traitors, hypocrtis etc... Trusting is always a risky business, don't let anyone invade your privacy, and never get too carried away in those annoying optimistic thoughts. Safety first (: Your ideal romantic match is an opposite of your character. He/she'll complete you in a unimaginable way and make you feel truly content, special... fulfuilled.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
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How great...

Mum does not allow me to go out with friends until school reopen. She said must prepare me for JC life?! What the crap?!! What’s there to prepare? I totally have nothing to do at home... except videos, TV, internet.. and i swear internet and facebk are lagging to the max! She wants me to pack my cabinet, but i already packed it and it's like so neat lehr! Her menopause is getting more and more serious. Ask her go eat medicine, she don't want. Only know how to keep nagging and nagging about my Olvl results, PSLE RESULTS, Dad's business and so on.. Can imagine that she even brought up my PSLE results? relate it to entering a lousy school and blah blah blah! Luckily she allow me to go for clique gathering on 26Jan10. Know why? because --- is going. Freak! Always compare me with ---, ask her be your daughter lohr!
i want:
-to fly kite with Darlings
-to K-Box with Cal and gang
-to cycle with WC and TF
-shopping, shopping and MORE SHOPPING!!

YouBing and ZiYu just called and asked me to join them for cycling at ECP. Though this time my mum allow and i want to go, but i still rejected going. Because there's someone i don't want to see. Actually not one person, but 2 people. Their opinion is that we are still friends.. but it is only the word 'friends' that made them think that we are friends. It is easier said than to be done. I want to be friends with him, i talk to him but.. whats the outcome?! I seriously think it's better for us not to talk and treat each other as strangers(; However, i still hope that after ten years, if we meet on the street, we can say hi to each other! Felt so sorry to YouBing!! He called so many times to ask me go, but in the end i dint. hahhha, next time blahX)

Luckily there is choir tomorrow!!
Can finally get out of my house lehr(X
But have to climb that slope.. AHHHR!
hope alvin's CO is around my Choir timing.. so we climb to NY togetherXD

F.t island Pictures, Images and Photos

this is the poster WC is giving miie^^

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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My favourite boys(;

Lee Jae Jin Pictures, Images and Photos

Lee Jae Jin

lee hong ki Pictures, Images and Photos

Lee Hong Ki

Song Seung Hyun Pictures, Images and Photos

Song Seunghyun

choi jong hoon Pictures, Images and Photos

Choi Jong Hoon

FT ISLAND YEHEY! Pictures, Images and Photos



Tuesday, January 19, 2010
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school reopening in 9days time..
i seriously don't want 28Jan10 to arrive so fast..
thinking of making new friends, waking up early in the morning, at least 1 hr of travelling here and there, climbing the hill to NYJC makes me emo~!
2 mths of holiday just pass like this..
oh freak!

Monday, January 18, 2010
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outing with clique today(;;

summaries version (read full version at WC's blog!) :
-met at school bustop at 12pm
-went into brd to chit-chat with juniors and teachers(i miss them, ALL!)
-head to cineleisure at around 1.30pm
-ate lunch at HK cafe
-took neoprints
-watched 'The Spy Next Door' at 5pm

Pictures tell a thousand words!!

i love my DarLing KOK XinYuan to the core(;
Though we 'kind of' quarrelled when you are in Sec1, but now you are my favourite Junior and also my BFF!!
So gna miss you and those time we spent together poning Choir, gossiping...
Also must Thank YOU for the listening ears.
JIAYOU for your O's this year..
im 24/7 here for you when u need help!!
and I promise that i will return to Broadrick whenever im free!
Takkke CarRe, my DEAREST WIFEY

lunch at HK cafe(YUMMYYYY!)

Jordan and WeiChuan♥

Calvin and WeiChuan♥

Miie zilian-ing.. suddenly a monster 'POP' out!

A proper one(;
WeiChuan and PeiPei♥

erm.. What is Mr.Cal doing?!

Zilian-ing again, CAL's big foot!

(look at alvin!) HAHA!

The Girls: PeiPei, Beverly, LiHao, Valerie♥

Beverly, LiHao, Valerie, Jordan, Weichuan.


I ♥ my CLIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing members on 18January2010 gathering: ZiYu, Isabel, (C)JingWen!

... ... ...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
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sudden emo-ness late last night..
flashbacks of you kept appearing..
tears definitely proved everything..
if there's a chance, even if its only a second..
just give me your smile, and thats enough...

Saturday, January 16, 2010
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do listen to this!! damn funny!

(thanks jinyang for making me laugh until stomach ache~!)

ZOOO and museum trip(;
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ZOO trip with Darlings was great! Due to my laziness, I did not post yesterdayXP
should summaries the trip!
-met tf at 9.45am and bused 135 to AMK interchange
-met cherm, bought tidbits and bused 138 to ZOO.
-reach ZOO around 12pm and started walking ard
-1.30pm ate ben and jerry(wink at cherm~)
-2.30pm watch 'splash show' or something..(don't rmb what the show call)
-3.30pm watch elephant show
-4.00pm left ZOO and head to AMK to shop(;

enough typing.. PICTURES(;;

Overall, it was a fun trip with darlings! Hope after we went to different schools still can hang out(; LOVES~~
today went out with Jie and her bf to museum. it is about .. mummys.. it is interesting.. but quite boring! went shopping at PS after that(; bought a new top!!
2days outing was tiring, but fun!
looking forward to clique gathering on monday!!!!!!

A brand new beginning(;
Thursday, January 14, 2010
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Just created a new blog as secondary school life had ended. A new blog for the start of JC life this year, new studying environment, new friends…

Must thank Wei Chuan for helping me to edit the template! I had long forgotten how to edit some parts due to not blogging for 6 whole months?!

O level results were such a disappointment. I did put in effort to study, but… Even my combine humanities can get a B3 when I’m like so confident to get an A1?! Haix... Luckily there is such a thing called DSA, if not I will land in SRJC instead of NYJC now?!? Whatever it is, will put in all my effort in JC!! Must get into my dream course in UNI(;;

Choir so far was great!! Seniors were very kind and friendly! Looking forward to the Europe trip in June ^.^

Also made some friends in NYJC already, so I think school reopen won’t be that bad ba. For now, the problem is subject combinations in JC. MPCE? MBCE? MPCG? MBCG? It is seriously difficult to make a decision!

Outing with darlings tomorrow!! Going ZOO!! Hope tsefang can make it!! SOOO EXCITED!!!

the girl next door


turning 17 on 21 september 2010

I'm a relatively good girl. I have an absolutely sweet tooth and I love chocolates and candy floss although they make me look kiddish most of the time. FT-ISLAND rocks to the core! I love my darlings and will definitely miss my secondary school clique. Lastly, respect me and i will repect you(;

sing ur lungs out

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Sweetest Escape
you're on your way

*chermaine p.blog
*li hao
*ting xiang
*tse fang
*wei chuan


gone with the wind

January 2010
February 2010

take a bow
